Monday, March 24, 2014

Help Me, Patrick Stump

   Dear whoever the hell is reading this,
So let's say that I asked a girl to prom right? Now let's say that a week later I get a girlfriend? How do I tell my girlfriend I already asked a girl to prom when she is expecting me to ask her? Also let's say she isn't exactly fond of any of your friends except one and all her friends are super weird but she isn't anything like them and she is like your perfect match? I mean what do I do? I don't know. Just answer if you feel like it. If not I don't care.


  1. Well you could tell her that she is beautiful. Spoil her a lot(spend money), and then tell her that you ask another girl. Then before she speaks tell her you are planning to take her on a fantastic date after prom($). Then let her talk and see what she says. If it is still a problem then get her flowers(#extreme).
