Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Patrick Stump, First Post

   So the first post. I guess I need something to captivate you. Something that will make you want to read my posts. As I remember in class a girl said that, "No one wants to know about all the sad things in your life." Well as far as I'm concerned, those are the best posts. Not everyone's life is all happy happy joy joy. People go through difficult times. Death, divorce, abuse, hell even high school relationships can be a drag. A wise man once said and I quote, "It isn't about what happened during these hard times, but what you learned from them." So go ahead and put on that fake smile, but, don't resist the urge to cry a little. As it says in Tuesdays With Morrie, go ahead and throw yourself a pity party. Then come back to reality. Life is not going to be fun. It is just going to what you make it. Your life is yours to control. Don't let anyone else determine that. This is Patrick signing off. FOB for life. 


  1. Wow. This is insane (in the good way) love the quote too.

  2. I feel like I should hate this, but I love it.

    Sorry, that really was meant to be a compliment, not an insult haha

    I look like a bitch now, so maybe I should just say I liked this.

    Hey, I liked this post.

  3. If you guys have any tips or anything for the blog, just send me a message. I'm open to suggestion. Thanks for following. Shout out to "no U turn" because of what they wrote. Look em up.

  4. "So go ahead and put on that fake smile, but, don't resist the urge to cry a little" #stolen
